7 Elephants of our Indian society that no one is willing to acknowledge or talk about
1.Population This is by far the biggest elephant in our society. It is just a matter of self realization that needs to happen in each individual to wisely plan for kids and not over populate the country. 5 rupees can be distributed wisely between 5 people and is even easy to keep track. Now imagine that same 5 rupees that need to be divides to 500 people. At some point the government loses track on how to spend the money and where it is going. Think again readers. If you really want more kids, think of the many orphans who would give anything just for mom's love and dad's embrace. 2.Homelessness You don't really need a looking glass to notice this. Every corner of every 5th street you find people living on the roads. And by living on the road I mean literally living on the roads. They eat on the roads, sleep on the roads, brush their teeth on the road and even take bath on the roads. What is being done by the government to address this, I wonder. 3.India's IT h...