7 Elephants of our Indian society that no one is willing to acknowledge or talk about

This is by far the biggest elephant in our society. It is just a matter of self realization that needs to happen in each individual to wisely plan for kids and not over populate the country. 5 rupees can be distributed wisely between 5 people and is even easy to keep track. Now imagine that same 5 rupees that need to be divides to 500 people. At some point the government loses track on how to spend the money and where it is going. Think again readers. If you really want more kids, think of the many orphans who would give anything just for mom's love and dad's embrace.


You don't really need a looking glass to notice this. Every corner of every 5th street you find people living on the roads. And by living on the road I mean literally living on the roads. They eat on the roads, sleep on the roads, brush their teeth on the road and even take bath on the roads. What is being done by the government to address this, I wonder.

3.India's IT hub catering to whom? 
 Cross your heart and tell me when was the last you logged into an 'Indian website' and realized the page doesn't load and looks outdated! it is no secret that India exports to the world human resources who are extraordinarily skilled to do all things internet. How much of this human resource are we using to build our own IT infrastructure? 

4.Health Care: 
Do you know of anyone who is struggling for good health care for a loved one but unable to do so because of the expensive hospital bills? Illness is something common to both the poor and the rich, the only difference being the rich get better treatment and poor 'adjust' with what they can afford. Don't you think it's time we did something about this?

5.Dirty Streets: 
The first thing a person notices about you is your face and about your country are your roads. It makes me sad to admit the only roads I see every day are filled with uncovered potholes, dug up trenches, stinking dirt piling up, overflowing drains and invisible foot paths! The Swacch Bharath was a wonderful initiative but what now? What is being done to take it to the next level? 10 hours of mandatory community service I.e. Swacch Bharath to every revenue generating organization. Do you think this is the next level we are desperately in need of? 

6.Ridiculous Privatized Education: 
All the young parents would agree with a hands down yes on this one. I've head volumes and volumes from peers who were looking to get their kids admitted to kindergarten. There experiences in short 
  • 60,000 rupees fees per month inclusive of food and walking once a day (my reaction: Really? For real? 60K for a little baby in kindergarten? What are they teaching him- a,b,c's or Mastery in Rocket Science class?)
  • Parents need to clear some exam before the school accepts the kid for kindergarten. The reason they say is that the school needs to be sure that the parent is capable of helping the kids with homework after school hours( My reaction: So if the parent fails the exam can they enrol in kindergarten again? Oh..if they want to enrol again now the grandparents also need to take the test!)
These are just two of the many many experiences I heard. Do we really want this to continue? Do we really want our children to think this is normal when its their turn to get their kids into kindergarten?

7.Food Preferences:
Many religious sentiments and values are what form the base of the Indian Society. A secularist outlook is what is expected of each of its citizens. The Indian constitution deems the rights to each of its citizens to follow a region and profession of their choice. Do we even need an amendment written in the constitution which reads - Each Indian has the right to eat only food a,b and c? No one is willing to take a stand and talk about it yet. Please note that many wonderful people are pretty much okay with who eats what, its just a limited few who are causing chaos in the peaceful society and I'm still wondering if anyone is doing anything to address the unrest of the limited few.

Please Note that this post was not at all intended to hurt any ones sentiments or point out the flaws. It was a plain attempt to make the audience realise what is going wrong with the system.


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