What I realized today - Stupid Mouth + Smart reconstruction of random words = Sweet Happiness

Every morning as soon as I reach the office,my routine goes something like this.
1. Get off the Bus
2. Get the IN time punched and the bags scanned
3. Take the longest route possible from the main gate to my desk
4. Wish the security folks good morning with a wide wide smile
5. Fresh up with a dash of makeup
6. Drink a glass of water at the cafeteria area
7. Get to work work work

This is what I do, every single day. Today was a bit tad different. While I was at point 6 i.e. Drinking Water at the Cafeteria Area, A kind security folk was also there to fill in his water bottle. Me being my usual blabber mouth tried to engage in a conversation asking him if he had his breakfast. He was elated with the conversation I was trying to engage him in. His immediate response was that he had his breakfast and now waiting for a kick start coffee. I asked him at what time he usually logs in to work. He was kind enough to reply that he was working the whole night last night and he does a 24 hour shift. He works from previous day 7.00PM to next day 7.00PM with the perk of getting the next 24 hours off. I immediately blurted 'Oh! That's not fair! You even look tired!. His immediate response was 'Yes Madam. What can I do, I need to work. I have no other choice' and his earlier elated expression changed to a sad one. This was my "Bazinga!" moment where my inner intelligence woke up. I realized a well known truth.

The human mouth is capable to turning the entire world upside down or downside up. If only instead of me pointing out to the security folk something that he already knew i.e. Saying 'Aaah! Oooh! Poor you!You look sooo darn tired', If i had told him something as nice as 'Wow! You have the next 24 hours off. You can get a nice rest on your day off! I bet your hard work is totally worth the off you deserve!' I think I could have totally made his day.

Think about it. I mean this was like a really random post, but then if you are even a quarter of a cent the way I am, you would exactly know what I'm talking about. Stupid Mouth + Smart reconstruction of random words = Sweet Happiness

For the record, I got a compliment/comment a few days back- "No one thinks like you" is what the compliment or comment was. I'd like to take it as a complete compliment! :P


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