My Travel Guide to a Splendid Sunday in Bangalore

On a lazy Friday while I was browsing the internet I happened to stumble across a TED talk from an Inspiring girl which gave me the push I need to get ready for a 'Single Female Traveler' #SFT Sorta Journey. I grabbed my travel guide which I purchased many many months back and took out the Bangalore map and started marking the places to explore. For those of you who want to start exploring Bangalore, There is a guide I'd like to recommend- 'Get to know Bengaluru better'. I think it is published by someone called I find the book very handy to pull out random pages and get all the information I need to plan my short trips. Here is a quick shot of how the book looks: OK OK.I admit. Only the top left picture is the actual click of the book. Rest 2 other photos you see above is a result of my creativity combined with boredom. Getting back to what I was saying, I randomly browsed a few pages of the book to decide on how to spend my S...